Monday, November 20, 2006

Advisory Blog Assignment #1

What is up, Advisory Students:

This task is designed to help our advisory groups get together and discuss some ideas about the high school experience. For Mr. T's advisory @ WJPS, it's a chance for us to talk about what we're looking for. For Mr. Brown's group @ QHST, it's a chance for them to share what they've found.

Anyway, here goes. WJPS, you're up first. Here goes. Be detailed, open, and honest. Please provide only what the question asks for. This is not the post to vent about the things we aren't happy about. Write at least 50 words in response to each question.
  • As a student in a brand new, small High School, what are you expecting from your High School experience?
  • As a student in a brand new, small Hgh School, besides "doing my work," what can YOU do to positively contribute to building your school's culture, and community?

Please post no later than 11:59PM Sunday night.

These are not easy questions. "Nothing," "I don't know," and other answers will not be accepted. This work is important. Thank you!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Welcome to the Advisory Blog!

What is up, advisory people?

This is a space where we can get together and talk about issues important to our advisory group. It will also serve as a "meeting place" for the members of our advisory, and the advisories of the other schools we will be working with.

Please make sure that when you post, you leave your name and class somewhere, so I know who is writing, and I may be able to give that person credit for their assignment.

Please note that as aspiring journalists, what you post here is for all of the world to see. It is expected that you will maintain a sense of maturity, and professionalism in your postings. This is a professional space, which will be viewed not only by me, but your other teachers, principals, and parents. While we do have freedom of the press in the USA, remember that you cannot publish anything that is untrue. Additonally, please do not publish anything that is harmful, hurtful, or disrespectful towards other people. Again, thanks for checking in. Can't wait to read your posts!